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Levels of E Learning

self learning theory

There are four levels of e-learning, each designed for a different audience. The passive level of learning is the most classic and includes informationgraphics, a file with video and simple questions. The minimal learning level is slightly interactive and requires learners to drag and move or interact with simple multimedia. Learners may be able to interact with more complicated materials such as animations or customized files during moderate learning. The final level in e-learning involves interaction with the entire material, including feedback from the learner.

Level 2

E-learning modules can be classified according their complexity. Basic e learning courses can be basic in multimedia, text input and drag and dropped interactions. Intermediate and advanced levels of e-learning modules may offer branching scenarios, AR/VR based modules, and gaming simulators. As technology advances and the time passes, so has the definition of levels in elearning modules. Level 2 elements were, for example click-to reveal interactivities. However, rapid authoring tools have made these elements accessible to anyone.

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The more advanced level elearning modules include more interactive features. These include drag and drop activities, advanced click to reveal exercises, animated text, and images. Level 2 modules may also contain animations and character illustrations. For example, a Level 3 course will have more than just text-based activities, and may also include custom flash animations. This should not be the only feature. It should also contain a variety other features like quizzes or exams.


A complex e-learning project can be costly. The total cost of an e-learning project is affected by two factors: time and money. Kapp and RobynDefelice research shows that one hour of content for e-learning can take between 90 to 240hrs. The cost of developing an e-learning course can range from $8,800 to $28,640 per hour. It all depends on how complex and demanding the project is.

E-learning tends to be cheaper than traditional learning in general. There are many options for the technology that is used to create e-learning courses. Some courses can be downloaded for free, while others require payment. The cost of e-learning depends on the equipment used, how many people use it, how much it costs to operate, and the labour costs associated with producing it. Although some elearning courses may be more expensive than others it is worth considering these differences before deciding on the best system for you company.

Development time

What is the time it takes to create e-learning courses. The complexity of a course will determine how long it takes to develop. Simpler courses may take longer to develop. Developing a course using pre-existing materials may shorten the development time. The overall development time will be cut by consulting with stakeholders or subject-matter experts. Feedback from stakeholders can also impact the development time. For more details, check out the study, "The Development Time of E-Learning Courses" by Bryan Chapman.

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The level factor is a ratio that indicates how long it takes to create a minute of elearning. For example, to create a Level 2 Program takes 197 minutes or over 325 hours. This includes the entire process of project development and testing. The development time required will likely be spread over multiple tasks and people. However, the development time is not always directly proportional to the complexity of the project.


What is the purpose of eLearning?

E-learning allows learners to engage in learning activities at any time and from anywhere. It allows them to learn wherever and whenever they like.

E-Learning allows the learner to communicate with other learners who share similar interests. This interaction helps to improve communication skills and knowledge exchange.

Technology allows for the easy transfer of information between student and teacher. The technology should be robust enough that it can deliver high-quality content.

E-learning can reduce travel costs and help to lower the cost of training.

It saves time, money, and allows the learner/student to complete their coursework while working/traveling.

What are the benefits of online learning for teachers and students?

The benefits of e-learning include improved learning outcomes for both students and teachers. It also allows learners to access information at any time and from anywhere. E-learning empowers educators to connect with their students using technology in a way that was not possible previously.

E-learning allows teachers and students to receive individualized instruction, feedback, as well as support. This increases student motivation and engagement. Teachers can develop communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills through e-learning. They can also use it to enhance teaching practice by providing opportunities for self-reflection and reflection on others' experiences.

E-learning makes it possible to cut down on training costs. In order to train students about a topic, teachers will need to purchase materials and books. However, if the same material is available online, then there is no need to purchase these items.

What are the biggest obstacles that prevent e-learning from being a success?

E-Learning's biggest challenge is not technical, it's cultural. It's all about people and how they interact.

We must understand their motivations and learn how they learn best. It is also important to understand what motivates them and how they feel about learning online.

This is where we have to find ways to make this experience as natural as possible.

Is eLearning effective for learning?

E-learning is a powerful tool to provide learning content wherever you are. It provides learners with access to information anytime, anywhere.

E-learning makes it possible to deliver training programs anywhere you are without having the space or cost of travel.


  • The UK sample was relatively balanced in terms of gender (56% male) compared to the Gambian group (77% male). (sciencedirect.com)
  • According to ATD's 2021 State of the Industry report, technology-based learning methods, including e-learning, accounted for 80 percent of learning hours used in 2020. (td.org)
  • Hedonism incorporates intrinsic motivation, including novelty, challenge, excitement, and pleasure (Schwartz et al., 2012), which is likely to predict user perception of e-learning enjoyment. (sciencedirect.com)
  • In the 2017 ATD research report Next-Generation E-Learning, 89% of those surveyed said that changes in e-learning require their staff to update or add new skills. (td.org)

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How To

What are some examples in elearning? What are the benefits of using eLearning?

There are many different types of e-learning available, including:

  1. Distance Learning - A distance learning program takes place entirely through the internet.
  2. Onsite Training - An onsite training program involves a group of participants coming together to receive training in person.
  3. Virtual Classroom- A virtual classroom is an environment where students can communicate with their teachers, classmates, and even experts through chat rooms and forums.
  4. Webinars - Webinars are live presentations delivered over the web. These allow you to make real-time connections with your audience.
  5. Self-Paced Training Courses - These courses do NOT require an instructor and can easily be completed at the pace you choose. You can log in to the course at any time that suits you.
  6. Interactive Tutorials- Interactive tutorials are intended to help users perform specific tasks.
  7. Social Media Learning platforms - Twitter and Facebook provide great learning opportunities. Students can communicate ideas, ask queries, and get feedback and support from their friends and peers.
  8. Online Forums- You can discuss any topic related to your field of study in an online forum.
  9. Podcasting - Podcasting refers to the creation of audio files that can later be downloaded and listened too.
  10. Video Conferencing-Video conferencing allows two to three people to meet face to Face virtually.
  11. Mobile Apps: These are apps that are specifically designed for smartphones and tablets.
  12. Online Quizzes – Online quizzes allow you to quickly assess your knowledge on a particular topic.
  13. Discussion Boards - Discussion boards are online communities where you can post messages, read messages posted by others, and respond to those messages.
  14. Website Content Management Systems (CMS) - CMSs are software systems that enable website owners to easily update site content.
  15. Blogs - Websites that allow users to share comments and opinions are called blogs.
  16. Wikis- Wikis let multiple people edit pages simultaneously.
  17. Chat Rooms – Chat rooms allow users to communicate with one another online.
  18. Email Lists- These are email addresses you can use to send messages.
  19. RSS Feeds – RSS feeds can be described as news aggregators that gather articles from multiple sources and present them in an easily-read list.


Levels of E Learning